When Meghan Koziel delivered daughter Kendra Jane last month, she knew she wouldn’t be breastfeeding, and she found an original way to let nurses and doctors know why while she was in the hospital. Back in 2015 – when she was only 26 – Koziel was diagnosed with Stage 2B breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy, 12 rounds of chemo, and extensive breast reconstructive surgery.
She was delighted when she got pregnant after three years of treatment and what she calls “absolute hell.” She’s shared her experience with her Instagram followers and one of them related that she felt “formula shamed” by hospital staff after having a baby post-mastectomy, so Koziel got the idea to make a banner to hang in the delivery room to alert docs and nurses that she’d be formula feeding because of her mastectomy. That way everyone she came in contact with wouldn’t ask her about breastfeeding, which they typically do. The pink sign reads: “No breastfeeding zone” and explains that Mommy is a survivor and baby will be formula fed.
"I wanted a subtle way to tell them why I wouldn't be breastfeeding, but also direct enough to get my point across," the new mama explains. She says her docs and nurses loved the banner and so did her Instagram followers. Koziel encourages them to stay on top of self-breast exams and to “sparkle on” and to never, ever give up hope.
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