Here to Help with Holiday Hotlines On Thanksgiving Day

  • There are several holiday hotlines available to answer all of your pressing Thanksgiving cooking questions
  • Butterball’s hotline has been around since 1981, and Sara Lee and Ocean Spray have ones too
  • There’s also a digital hotline at Food52, plus the USDA has one for food safety tips

Being responsible for your family’s Thanksgiving feast can certainly be stressful, with all those people relying on you for a delicious meal. And if you’re not an expert chef, you may need some help to make sure everything is just right, especially the turkey. I mean, you don’t want to undercook it and get everyone sick.

Well, if you need help on the holiday you're in luck. There are several holiday hotlines available to answer all of your pressing Thanksgiving cooking questions and solve any emergencies. Hotlines include: 

  • Butterball Turkey Talk-Line – The hotline, 1-800-BUTTERBALL, has been around since 1981, and is open every November and December. On Thanskging it’s open from 6 am to 6 pm CST, and tonight it remains open until 10 pm. 
  • Food52 Digital Hotline – This free “digital hotline,” operated by former "New York Times" food editor Amanda Hesser, allows users to send in online questions, which will be answered quickly by Amanda or her team members. It’s open from 8 am to 10 pm EST. 
  • USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline – This hotline, run by the Department of Agriculture, is the go-to place for questions about safe handling and consumption of raw poultry. It’s open Monday through Friday 10 am to 6 pm EST. (1-888-674-6854)
  • Sara Lee Pie Hotline – Here’s where you can go for any go-to dessert emergencies. The hotline, 1-888-914-1247, is open from 7 am to 6 pm CST today, and from 7 am to 2 pm CST tomorrow.
  • Ocean Spray Hotline – If you’re planning to do more than just open a can of cranberry sauce, here’s the hotline for all your questions. Just call 1-800-662-3263 today from 9 am to 6 pm and tomorrow from 9 am and 2 pm EST. 
  • The Splendid Table - The Minnesota Public Radio Show is hosting a “Turkey Confidential” show from 12 to 2 pm EST tomorrow, featuring chefs, and show host Francis Lam, answering all your holiday questions. (1-800-242-2828)

Source: Market Watch

PHOTO: Getty Images

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