Parenting Burns a TON of Calories!

Being a parent can be exhausting and new research reveals why we’re so tired all the time. If you’re feeling guilty for skipping a sweat sesh because you just don’t have the energy, you shouldn’t because according to a new study, being a parent can burn up to 50,000 calories a month.

Researchers asked 1,000 adults with kids between three and six years old about their daily activities and how much time they spend doing things including cooking meals and pushing a stroller. And they found that the general duties associated with parenting can torch up to 1478 calories a day! That equals around 42,759 burpees a month, so no wonder we’re worn out.

So what are the mom and dad jobs that torch the most calories? Carrying small kids and dressing, bathing and feeding them. General house cleaning and cooking meals come in next, followed by making the bed and moving household items and putting away laundry. Even setting the table and unloading the car make the list, so even when you’re not hitting the gym, you’re still getting a workout.

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