The Mayor  in the Morning

The Mayor in the Morning

The Mayor Pete Kennedy was born in Canandaigua, NY. His father served for 14 years as the Mayor of the City of Canandaigua, and Pete stole the...Full Bio


VIDEO: Cop Pulls Man in Wheelchair From Oncoming Train in Nick of Time

A California police officer saved a man’s life by pulling him from the train tracks as an oncoming train was heading right for him. Frightening police body camera footage shows Lodi Officer Erika Urrea rescuing the man in a wheelchair just in the nick of time.

She spotted the man, who appears to be stuck, and pulled over in her car to help. The video shows her running to him and asking if he can get up as the train’s horn blows and it gets closer and closer. Officer Urrea is able to pull the 66-year-old from his wheelchair with just seconds to spare before the train rushes by.

The Lodi Police Department says he was taken to a local hospital for a leg injury, but he’s otherwise okay. “Officer Urrea risked her own life to save another and her actions prevented a tragedy today,” they write in a Facebook post. “We are extremely proud of Officer Erika Urrea and her heroism.”

See the video below.

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