The Mayor  in the Morning

The Mayor in the Morning

The Mayor Pete Kennedy was born in Canandaigua, NY. His father served for 14 years as the Mayor of the City of Canandaigua, and Pete stole the...Full Bio


People Are Creating NEW Holiday Traditions - Here Are the Top Five

As much as we all wish things were back to normal by now, they aren't. And with the holiday season officially starting this week...well, it'll just have to look a little different.

A new survey asked people if they're creating any NEW traditions this year because of the circumstances. Here are the top five answers:

1. Dropping off surprise presents at people's houses.

2. Doing Zoom meals with extended family.

3. Having a day where everyone disconnects from all their devices.

4. Making homemade decorations.

5. Baking a specific recipe as a family.

The survey also found there is at least SOME bright side to not being able to see so many people in person for the holidays. 45% of people are looking forward to NOT having to answer a bunch of personal questions. 

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

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